JaredKCreative | Marketing & Automation Consultant

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How to setup Slack alerts for task usage in Zapier

Nothing is worse than waking up on a Monday morning and seeing that you have no leads and that all your zaps have been paused over the weekend cause you have reached your task limit. That is why I set up this Zap in every client's account.

Creating the Zapier

First, log in to your Zapier account and create a new Zap. Now select your trigger. Your going to find the “Zap Manager” trigger.

Define The Trigger

Now configure your trigger to fire based on the criteria of your account. My preference is to have an alert at 80% so that I can have time. If you make the alert at 90%, it can quickly go beyond 100% depending on how many automations are active.

Set up The Alert Message

You could set up the alert message to be sent to you in countless ways. A common scenario is that the team is using Slack. But you could send text messages with SalesMessage, create tasks within Pipedrive, or send a group email from SendGrid.

Create a new action within the zap and choose Send Channel Message. Select the Slack channel you want to send the message to. Next, configure the message that is sent.

All of the other fields are not required for this zap to work so I leave them blank. Now test your action and watch the magic happen.